Country Music. Its roots are found in traditional folk music, Celtic music, jazz, gospel music, and popular music of the twentieth century that has developed rapidly in the 1920s. The term, countrymusic began to be used in the early 1940's, the U.S., when the original term and the previous one, hillbilly music was deemed degrading, and the new term was widely embraced in the 1970s, while the term Country and Western dropped from use since then, except the United Kingdom,where the term is still frequently used.
Hillbilly or country music is a genre of music produced in Brazil from the 1910s, composers rural and urban, formerly called generically fashions, tunes, cateretês, vulgar, tangled and drumming, which is the predominant sound of the viola.
The folklorist Pires Cornelius met hillbilly music in its original state farms in the state of SãoPaulo and so described in his book "Conversations at the foot of Fire":
- "His music is characterized by its romantic lyrics, for a sad song that moves and remember the slave quarters and the camp, but his dancing is gay".